Music Current Festival

Smock Alley Theatre
Dublin, IRL
8 November, 2021

Alexander Schubert, WIKI-PIANO.NET (2018) Irish Premiere
Fergal Dowling, Fake Piano* (2021) World Premiere
Scott McLaughlin, In the unknown, there is already a script for transcendence** (2018) Irish Premiere
Michael Finnissy/Adam de la Cour
, Hammerklavier** (Part 2) (2021) World Premiere
Nicole Lizée, Scorsese Etudes (2018 rev. 2021) World Premiere

This programme contains depictions of nudity, violence and drug-taking

Australian pianist and new music adventurer Zubin Kanga performs in Dublin for the first time. A champion of collaboration and new music commissioning, Zubin performs a highly personal programme entirely of works he personally commissioned for piano and electronics.

In this concert, Zubin Kanga performs piano and multimedia works exploring internet culture, classic cinema, historical pianists, magnetic resonators and electronic doppelgängers.

Alexander Schubert’s WIKI-PIANO.NET uses a website to allow the audience to co-compose the work especially for each performance – the audience can link to sound files, youtube videos, change text and instructions, just like a Wikipedia page, creating a work that reflects the memes and internet obsessions at the time of each performance.

Fergal Dowling pairs the piano with an interactive electronic twin, increasing in complexity until the divisions between real and fake break down.

Scott McLaughlin uses modified e-bows and magnetic resonators to create strange, gradually morphing otherworldly sounds. Hammerklavier, a collaboration between composer

Michael Finnissy and filmmaker Adam de la Cour is based on Finnissy’s memories of a live performance by the great pianist Sviatoslav Richter in 1975, as well as Richter’s secretive queer life. The work transforms each movement of Beethoven’s ‘Hammerklavier’ sonata, with de la Cour’s film drawing on documentary footage of Richter, experimental film techniques of the 50s and 60s, as well as vintage gay erotica from this era. Part 2 of the work (transforming the first two movements of Beethoven’s sonata) receives its World Premiere in this concert.

And Nicole Lizée’s celebrated Criterion Collection works use loops and glitches to transform key scenes, creating obsessive homages to great filmmakers. This recital features the revised version of her set focused on the films of Martin Scorsese, drawing on iconic scenes from Goodfellas, Taxi Driver and The Wolf of Wall Street.